Privacy Policy for use of Platform

Last Updated: May 7th, 2023 offers an online job listing sharing service that connects prospective employees with employers and rewards people who share the job listings.
Headhunter.Social registers and uses information about you (personal data). This applies whether you are a user/headhunter who shares job listings, if you are a company recruiting through or if you are an applicant using to apply for a job.
Headhunter.Social will not disclose your information to others without your explicit consent except as explicitly set out below. protects your data and privacy by taking all relevant measures in accordance with applicable legislation, especially the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (“GDPR”) and the Danish Data Protection Act.
This privacy notice sets out the basis for how we look after your personal data and the privacy rights you are granted by law.

Why do we register and use your personal data?
For companies:

We register your data in order for you to be able to seek new employees more efficiently. Relevant data about you lets us help aiming your job listings at the most relevant social networks.

For users/headhunters:

We register your data in order to provide you with the most relevant job listings.

For applicants:

We register your data to enhance your application experience, provide job recommendations, and facilitate interactions with potential employers. All the application information you provide is exclusively visible to the specific company you are applying to. However, your name and contact information are visible to the Headhunter or User who shared the job application link. The Headhunter can only access your name and contact details and not the content of your application or any other information you supplied during the application process. This enables the Headhunter to follow up with you regarding the job application or share other job opportunities. You have the right to demand the Headhunter to delete your name and contact information at any time. Additionally, utilizes this information for administrative purposes and to enhance current and future services. Information about your interactions and usage of may also be used to improve the platform's services in a targeted manner. Finally, your data may be used for statistical purposes by

When do we register and use your personal data?

We register your personal data when you provide it to This means that we register and use personal data when you have made or you are considering making an agreement with us to make use of a service or product we provide based on article 6(1)(b) of GDPR you have granted us consent to use your personal data for a specific purpose based on article 6(1)(a) of GDPR You have granted us consent to use your sensitive personal data for a specific purpose based on article 9(2)(a) of GDPR it is our legal duty to do it is necessary to pursue a legitimate interest of pursuant to article 6(1)(f) of GDPR. For example, this may be to prevent abuse and loss, to strengthen our IT-solution. We will only do so if our interest clearly outweighs your interest in not having your personal data processed by us.

Which personal data do we register and use?

When you create a user profile at, will request a variety of information from you, including your name, email address and address. uses this information to make the services available to you. You may always ask to inform you of which information has registered about you. You may also at any time demand that deletes information registered about you. If it turns out that’s information about you is incorrect, you may edit the information in your profile and the information you have entered into the If has information that you cannot correct, will correct it for you. shall simultaneously notify any recipient of this information if we have transferred such information to others with your consent. See more on your rights below Depending on the services or products are interested in, we register and use different kinds of personal data, including basic personal data, e.g. your name, contact information and national ID (employees and companies)data from your Linked In profile details about the services and products we provide to you, how you use them and your preferences towards them we register your CVs we may also register other personal data if needed to provide you with specific products or services or we are required by law to do so.

Sensitive data
Please note that we may register sensitive data about you (employees), if your CVs or resumes contain sensitive personal data, in order to carry out a light screening as part of’s recruitment service. Sensitive personal data may include data such as: trade union membership information information about your health and your genetic background, e.g. inherited health qualities, and bio-metric data, e.g. facial image information about your religious or philosophical beliefs

How long do we register and use your personal data?


As an applicant, your data is stored for 6 months. You can demand it to be deleted or edited at anytime. Every 6 months we can ask you if we may keep on storing your data, to which you cant accept or decline.

Headhunters and companies:

We keep your data only for as long as it is needed for the purpose for which your data were registered and used. If you have not accessed for a period of 5 years we may delete your data.  

Third parties and your personal data

Personal data from third parties
We some times use and register data from public available sources for compliance purposes. Third parties that we share your personal data with In some instances, we may share and disclose personal data with ActiveCampaign, Facebook, Google Ads, Google Analytics, HubSpot, LinkedIn, Mailchimp, Mandrill, Mix Panel, Unbounce, Zapier in order to send information to our users in a coordinated way.
Profiling and automated decisions

Profiling is a form of automated processing of your personal data. We use profiling e.g. to be able to offer you specific services and products that meet your preferences. Automated decision-making We do not use automated decision-making in

Your rights

Insight into your personal data

You can obtain insight into the personal data we registered and use, where it comes from and what we use it for. You can obtain information about for how long we store your data and about who receives data about you. Your right of access may, however, be restricted by legislation, protection of other persons’ privacy and consideration for our business and practices. Our know-how, business secrets as well as internal assessments and material may also be exempt from the right of insight.

Correction or erasure of your personal data in Headhunter.Social

If the data is incorrect, incomplete or irrelevant, you are entitled to have the data corrected or erased. These rights are known as the “right to rectification”, “right to erasure” or “right to be forgotten” and provide you with the means to rectify or delete your data.

Restriction of use

If you believe that the data we have registered about you is incorrect, or if you have objected to the use of the data, you may demand that we restrict the use of this data to storage. Use will only be restricted to storage until the correctness of the data can be established, or it can be checked whether our legitimate interests outweigh your interests. If you are entitled to have the data we have registered about you erased, you may instead request us to restrict the use of these data to storage. If we need to use the data we have registered about you solely to assert a legal claim, you may also demand that other use of these data be restricted to storage. We may, however, be entitled to other use to assert a legal claim or if you have granted your consent to this.

Withdrawal of a consent

You can withdraw a consent you may have given at any given time. For withdrawal of consent please see contact information below. Please note that if you withdraw your consent, we may not be able to offer you specific services or products. If you withdraw consent, this will not affect the legitimacy of our processing of your personal data based on your previously given consent and up until the time of withdrawal. Withdrawal of your consent will only become effective from the time of withdrawal.

Data portability

You have a right to receive the copy of the data you have provided in an electronic machine-readable format.

Contact details and how can you complain

You are always welcome to contact us if you have questions about your privacy rights and how we register and use personal data. If you are dissatisfied with how we register and use your personal data, and your dialogue with us has not led to a satisfactory outcome, you can complain to us at: You can also lodge a complaint with the Danish Data Protection Agency: Datatilsynet, Borgergade 28, 5., DK-1300 København K, e-mail:



This privacy statement explains how we at use the electronic footprints you leave when you visit our website and use our electronic self-service solutions and apps. The statement also provides information about the individual cookies that you can accept and explains how to accept the use of cookies, how to revoke your acceptance of cookies, how to refuse cookies, and what to do to prevent your browser from using cookies at all.

Use of cookies on our websites

We use cookies on our websites and in our electronic self-service solutions. A cookie is a small text file used by many websites to track repeated visits by users. As an inactive file, a cookie cannot spread viruses or other harmful programs. Cookies cannot be used to identify you personally. You should, however, read the following information about our self-service solutions.

Specific information about cookies in our self-service solutions

Our self-service solutions use session cookies to make sure that you navigate on the site and use the solutions and tools presented on the site. This means that you cannot use apps without session cookies. You cannot disable these cookies while using our self-service solutions, but they will disappear when you log off a solution.


We use cookie information only for ordinary operations and for the compilation of statistics that can be used for purposes such as improving our websites and adjusting user experience to your needs. We also use a few cookies for marketing purposes. We do not use data from cookies to obtain personal information about you. If you want to avoid cookies altogether, you must disable cookies in your browser. However, disabling cookies will make it impossible for you to log on or use other functions that require the individual pages to remember your actions. Accept the use of cookies, revoke your acceptance of cookies or refuse cookies The first time you visit one of our websites, you will see a message box about the use of cookies. If you click a link or a function on the initial page, you will accept the use of cookies. We will set a cookie on your computer to remember your acceptance. This cookie makes sure that we do not need to notify you on your next visit. If you want to avoid cookies altogether, you must disable cookies in your browser. However, disabling cookies will make it impossible for you to log on or use other functions that require the individual pages to remember your actions.

Types of cookies

When you visit our websites, information is sent to us via cookies. This information includes the pages you looked at and the date and time you looked at them the browser you are using your screen resolution your operating system your Java version Global and local cookies A global cookie can be set on any page on our websites. A local cookie is set only on a number of selected pages.

Session cookies: These cookies are set when you open your browser and last until you close it again. When you close your browser, the cookies will be deleted automatically. Persistent: These cookies last for a predetermined length of time and remain on your system until they expire or you delete them.

Statistics – Google Analytics: uses the analytic tool Google Analytics to gather and assess information about how visitors use the web site. Google Analytics uses cookies. As data processor for it is Mesh Community that decides what information Google can gather regarding the use of the web site. Google Analytics only receive general web statistics, like for example type of browser, language and which web site the user came from. The users IP address will be registered by Mesh Community adds a script that removes the last digits from the users IP address before the information is stored by Google Analytics. This makes it possible for the analytic tool to estimate the user’s geographical location, but the address cannot be used to identify the user. Received information are regulated by Googles guidelines for processing of personal data in the country that the log in to is made from. See Googles privacy policy here:

Marketing (third-party cookie):

We use these cookies to monitor use across multiple pages. We may use them to build profiles that show searches made or pages visited. Anonymous data may be shared with third parties. Improvement of content: These cookies enable us to show the content that is most relevant to our visitors.

Delete cookies

All browsers enable you to delete individual or all cookies at once. The procedure for how to delete varies from browser to browser. Remember to delete cookies in all the browsers that you are using.